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Some stories . . .


In the last few years, we faced many challenges, but despite this, we have continued to grow spreading a message of hope across Australia through live presentations and
fresh new resources.

We have even launched a platform to support PARENTS (click to view) and we are now delivering regular YouTube videos for Parents!

We put all our efforts into making sure the next generation can still hear this message! This year we reached over 60,000 people live and via resources.

But we need your help to keep the mission going. The challenges as a result of societal pressures on young people continue.

The PMRC Relationship Education Foundation has been a
strong supporter of Real Talk through the provision of grant funding.
Tax-deductible gifts to this Foundation can be given via www.thepmrc.org

Please be sure to click Real Talk as the project to support.


We’re often not able to give as generously during our lives as we might like to. Leaving a gift in your Will is a great way to support the vital work of charities you care about after your other financial considerations have been taken care o, and you will make your mark, creating a positive impact on the lives of many Australians.

Your gift can be a percentage of your Estate or a specific sum of money or other assets.

If you have any questions about leaving a charitable gift to Real Talk International in your Will, please contact



We want to influence the thinking, attitudes and behaviours of today's young people.

We want to challenge many worldly ideas of what love, sex and relationships are about.

We want young people to know that they are valuable and worthy.

Check out these two new initiatives to see some
of the great work to come out of our team in the last few years!

Tax-deductible gifts can be given to www.thepmrc.org
Please be sure to click Real Talk as the project to support.

If you would like to discuss TAX-DEDUCTIBILITY please email finance@realtalkaustralia.com.